Monthly subscription plan

- Billed every month - Renews automatically every month - Cancel anytime to stop renewal - Save £35.99 compared to per course - Access to all courses - PDF booklet included (see example booklet) for all courses - New courses released approximately every month

Nina Red

CEO & Founder

John Smith

Lead Project Manager

Nick Jones

Head of Sales
What you get

Benefits of the plan



Our instructors do a great job of communicating and making it a more intimate arrangement. They are supportive and responsible in returning emails.

Satisfaction guaranteed

Studying with us will help you learn how to create, capture and deliver value in a digital world. You'll leave with smart strategies to optimize your performance and satisfaction.

you'll love

Video interactions, note-taking, interactive ebooks, self-assessment, certificates, SCORM and much more.

Monthly subscription plan

- Billed every month - Renews automatically every month - Cancel anytime to stop renewal - Save £35.99 compared to per course - Access to all courses - PDF booklet included (see example booklet) for all courses - New courses released approximately every month